Team Earth

Inspiring the world through education

Number of projectors
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Educational videos
Attended audience


Team Earth recognizes that every person has a unique potential that can make the world a better place. Through multimedia education we hope to maximize this potential. We supply tens of thousands of educational videos and battery powered projectors to address this humanitarian need in the poorest communities in the world.


Ezi Rapaport

A venture capitalist and corporate manager, Ezi directs Team Earths operations. 

Mohamed Sawaneh 

A teacher in Sierra Leone, Sawaneh utilizes multimedia in his school to empower the youth. h

Dr. Khaing and Marie May

While managing a rural hospital in Myanmar, Dr. Khaing and his wife educate their community.

Shimshon Rapaport 

With a passion for education and humanitarian aid Shimshon coordinates the organizations operations.

Inspiring the
world through
multimedia education
The mind is not a
vessel to be filled,
but a fire to be kindled.
Children must be taught
how to think, not what to think.
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Are you looking for a life transforming experience? Would you like to experience authentic West African culture? Do you want to empower the poorest people in the world? Apply to volunteer in a remote village in Sierra Leone. Contact info below.

Where we serve


PH: +1 (720) 446 – 9956

West Myanmar, South East Asia

Sierra Leone, West Africa

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